Clark County WA Real Estate Trends- What is Happening in Our Market?

Clark County Home Price Trends

Anyone else see the trend here? Take a good look at this graph below. This graph reflects the average sale price of homes in Clark County as defined by our local MLS service. 

We have now surpassed the height of the market back in 2007 that so many people experienced. Our market has always been a cyclical market that tends to follow a 10 year pattern. The major hit that our market experienced is still very fresh in many minds, but it is not often that our market experiences that much change in value.

 Taking a look at this graph, you do notice that our price chart is extremely predictable in pattern, but it cannot predict severity. With slight increases in interest rates and low inventory, it is very difficult to predict what will happen in 2019. Locally we are experiencing a huge influx of people moving to the Pacific Northwest. This is one major reason we have been seeing prices rise and our inventory level so low. Inventory has been at low levels, between 1 and 2 months for almost 3 years now.  This simply means that the amount of demand for homes is higher than our supply so consequently our prices will increase. 

If you have been considering selling your home, NOW is a great time.  Educating yourself on costs, price, expectations and timelines can take time and is something that I can help you determine, free of charge. I am always happy to sit down with clients and discuss options and seeing if selling makes sense for their needs and finances. 

For a free market analysis, give me a call at 360-903-7515 or you can also start here by following the link- Clark County Home Price Check
